Hey Seniors, if you’re not happy with your college list, it’s not too late! Check out these amazing colleges with Feb 1 deadlines or later! Bonus: Links to Interview, Essays, and LOCI Posts

6 min readJan 11, 2023

Before I get started with all the amazing colleges still looking for students like you, I’m gonna link some posts you might find helpful at this stage of the admissions journey:

My latest post about handling decisions, deferrals, LOCIs, and more So you were Deferred. What do to now? It’s time to think about writing that Letter of Continued Interest! Step by Step Guide to Interviews (with loads of potential questions and tips) Financial Aid Resources You do have an Amazing Personal Essay inside you Making your peace with Supplemental Essays

Also, here’s my folder with lists of colleges that have historically been generous with international students .

Colleges with February 1 and later Deadlines!

So back to colleges still accepting apps… I just sorted on Common App to look at all the schools with deadlines on Feb 1 or later. There are some truly incredible schools here, y’all.

The actual common app list is much longer than this. I’ve only included schools that I’ve personally visited and liked or met their admissions team, or I know someone who has visited and liked it, or I know someone who’s attended and been happy. If you have schools for me to add, please send them my way. This is just mostly from the Common App, so there are schools that aren’t on Common App that I haven’t listed. I’ve included a few non-Common App schools that I just happen to know have later deadlines.

* If there’s an asterisk next to a school, that means there are no app fees!

February 1

*Willamette: Cool liberal arts school in Oregon, great politics programs

TCU: beautiful, mid-sized city campus in Fort Worth, Texas, amazing admissions office

* Sewanee: liberal arts college, intellectual vibe, real life-changers, gorgeous mountain top campus

Spelman: HBCU, beautiful liberal arts college in Atlanta for women

Morehouse: HBCU, beautiful liberal arts college in Atlanta for men

*Whittier College: About half an hour or so — depending on traffic — outside LA. I visited last summer and was blown away by this stunning campus!

Auburn University

Gonzaga U: Mid-sized University in Washington State



Christopher Newport U

George Mason U

Miami U of Ohio: Really pretty mid-sized university, strong business, strong school spirit

U of Rhode Island

Rose Hulman Institute

SUNY Buffalo

February 2

SCAD: Savannah College of Art and Design

February 7

* Southwestern: liberal arts college in a cool little town right outside Austin, Texas, amazing admissions team

February 15

U Kentucky — from u/Fathoms_Deep_1 : “For anyone looking for a great state flagships school after all the deferrals, I would really suggest the University of Kentucky before February 15th. Very high acceptance rate, good scholarships for OOS, brand new dorms (most have private bathrooms!) and the campus is constantly adding new building and modernity older ones. Plus Lexington is a pretty fantastic city. Oh, and they have a fucking awesome basketball team if that helps.”

* College of Wooster: beautiful campus, close to Akron (students also do internships in Columbus and Cleveland), known for mentored research for undergraduate students

*Allegheny College

*Lake Forest College

*Worcester Polytechnic Institute

*Emmanuel college — from u/Global-Situation-377 : “It’s tiny, but in a great part of Fenway in Boston right beside BU and NEU. My closest friend is attending there so I’ve only heard good things, though.”

March 1

John Cabot U Rome: in my favorite area of Rome, Trastavere

Seton Hall U: known for good business programs, not too far from NYC, beautiful campus

U Cincinnati

*Earlham College in Indiana: I’ve known a few people who’ve attended and loved. LAC

*Austin College in Sherman Texas: Small liberal arts college, strong premed program (EA 2 on

Illinois Tech

U Hawaii Manoa

*Hendrix College

March 15

Agnes Scott College: one of my favorite women’s colleges, stunning campus, lovely laid back, intellectual vibe, in a close-in suburb of Atlanta (free for domestic, $30 for intl students)

*Juniata College

April Deadlines

*Loyola Chicago: Beautiful campus right on the lake in the middle of Chicago

Michigan State U

*Loyola New Orleans: this school blew me away when I visited last spring, beautiful, next door to

Washington & Jefferson College

May Deadlines

Fort Lewis College: I visited here a couple of years ago. Fell in love with the beautiful campus and town, public liberal arts college in Durango, Colorado, beautiful modern campus, super cool little town

Colorado State

Texas Tech: loved my visit here. Beautiful big campus feel. Fun exciting environment.

UT Dallas: cool modern campus, great business programs

U Iowa: amazing campus, cool town, lots of awesome programs, if you don’t have a sure-bet school, I recommend checking this one out

*St. Edward’s U: Austin, Texas, gorgeous campus on a hill, lovely Austin vibe

U Nebraska Lincoln: tons of school spirit, large research university

U St. Andrews in Scotland: if you’re on the hunt for the traditional highly selective kind of campus feel, check out St. Andrews in Scotland

U Houston: cool pretty campus, lots of green space and student involvement, great architecture, engineering, creative writing, and entrepreneurship programs

U Arizona: Have heard from tons of kids about the opportunities they’ve been able to take advantage of here

Marist College: I’ve never visited, but have heard so many amazing things about this school

U Iowa: great writing programs (edit to add — scholarship deadline)

June Deadlines

* DePaul: urban campus in Chicago, if you like the feel of NYU or BU, check out DePaul

Franklin U, Switzerland: liberal arts college, interesting engaged students, in Switzerland (nuff said)

Millsaps College: Beautiful campus near downtown Jackson, Mississippi

Indiana University Bloomington

July Deadlines and Rolling

Warren Wilson College: Haven’t visited in person yet, but went to some online sessions and was so impressed with this school and what they are offering their students. In beautiful Asheville, NC

American U Rome: I visited this campus a couple of years ago and was blown away. It’s in my favorite city in the world in a really cool neighborhood high on a hill overlooking the entire city.

Arizona State: gorgeous campus, lots of outdoor activities, ASU is doing their part to educate the citizens of the US and the world, check them out

Belmont U — beautiful campus right in the heart of the music biz in Nashville. Known for great music programs and business. Not far from Vandy

Hawaii Pacific U: priority deadline was Jan 15, but they accept ongoing apps. Cool city school right in the middle of Honolulu!

Western Colorado U: in Gunnison Colorado, small liberal arts college, amazing skiing just half-hour away in Crested Butte, engineering degrees from CU Boulder, one of my favorite spots in the world!

St. John’s College (MD and NM): if you’re looking for colleges that are intellectually stimulating, then look no further (edited to add: their deadline was Jan 15, but they do rolling after that. I suggest applying if they interest you. I haven’t yet visited the Annapolis Campus, but the Santa Fe campus was really cool. I took one of the longest hikes of my life straight from campus and met some awesome students.)

U Pittsburgh: cool campus, lots of opportunities ( not downtown Pittsburgh. But in a nice area with ease of transportation).

St. John’s U: Long Island, good business programs, super diverse student body, close opportunities in NYC

American U Paris — city of light! (EA 2 Feb 1)

University College Dublin

Iowa State: I love this campus in Ames Iowa

SCAD: Savannah College of Art and Design

Washington State U

Kansas State U

Marymount Manhattan College — if you really want to go to school in the middle of NYC, this is a great option for you!

Portland State U — small, centralized campus in Portland

Stephen F Austin — just became part of the University of Texas brand, pretty college in pretty little East Texas town

U Arkansas — (from u/BuffsBourbon : Walton Bus School, crazy awesome athletic teams in SEC, A-grade Greek life on Niche, Fayetteville is #4 best city to live in USNWR rankings)

Oregon State (EA 2 date of Feb 1)

Evergreen State College (Washington)

Ole Miss (University of Mississippi)

St. Louis University

UT Arlington


it’s not too late! even if you’re just getting started. If you don’t see any colleges here that are calling your name, and you’d like to add to your list, be sure to look on Common App and sort by deadlines. There are — quite literally — hundreds more!

XOXOXO AdmissionsMom

Originally published at https://admissionsmom.college on January 11, 2023.




College Admissions Consultant. Mindfulness in College Admissions. Author: Hey AdmissionsMom: Real Talk from Reddit. www.admissionsmom.college